Wednesday, October 16, 2013

RE: 10 Reasons Why I Don't Listen To Your Podcast

So there's this guy named Pete DAlessandro and he wrote a blog post called 10 Reasons Why I Don't Listen To Your Podcast in which he outlines 10 reasons he will delete your podcast from his iPhone. Apparently he listens to a lot of podcasts in his car, and one of the reasons he'll delete you is because he can't hear you over the noise of rush hour traffic, honking horns and him screaming out the window at the people he's scattering from the sidewalk while he drives up on it. Some artistic license was taken with that last sentence, but bear with me, there is a point.

One reason Pete says he'll delete your podcast is if you fumble around and waste time trying to call your show's guest while live on the air. There was a point in time when I was worried about breaking some of Pete's 10 Podcast Commandments. That time period has passed, for two reasons.

Reason #1: He said he thinks the Jimmy Pardo podcast called Never Not Funny is a great example of a podcast that can rely on 100% improv and still be funny. 

This is John speaking here, but I want to say that I listened to an episode of that show, and the first 10 minutes were Jimmy giggling like a school girl and talking about nothing at all, particularly nothing funny at all. 

Not to say anything against Jimmy Pardo (at least not in this blog post), because even the Chris Brake Show has a few moments where we're just kind of geeking out and laughing, and it's common for the first 10 minutes of a podcast to be a little unstructured.

Yeah, okay, I get that. But for Pete to say that this Never Not Funny podcast is something to be revered, admired and listened to over any of the other podcasts out there is a bit unsettling.

Reason #2: Because we totally just broke the seventh podcast commandment, which I will now present below:
I deleted one podcast from my iPhone at a red light one day when the host had a guest call in during the middle of the podcast. I get that this was a live recording of an actual conversation. It's a little sloppy, but what really burned me was that the host took a full 30 seconds to answer with: "I saw someone was calling but your name didn't show up on the caller ID and I didn't know if it was going to be you but I guess it is and now we can get started …" No, you could have started 30 seconds ago. But rather than take 30 seconds out of your life to edit out the garbage, you expected me to take 30 seconds to listen to it. Remember that giant podcast queue I have? It just got shorter.
So we wanted to take this opportunity to make a public apology to Pete - please give us another chance, we still haven't broken rule #8 yet.

Here's the super exclusive clip where we totally broke the Petemeister's rules. "That guy in his car is going to delete us!" RE: 10 Reasons Why I Don't Listen To Your Podcast

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